WWII Sub Service photos
I am not sure who the sailors are or who took
the photos.
I have noted what I know about these photos.
My father, Richard Puyear passed away in 1996, these were his.
He served on the USS Stickleback (SS-415).
If you know any of the men pictured or have
questions / comments
you can drop me a line at budman@steinville.com
Click on the thumbnails to view full size photos.
Group photo of Submarine Veterans of WWII in Indianapolis.
My dad is 5th from the left in the back row. I know that's Red Meyers on the
right front (1960s era photo).

This is the Sub Vet monument for the USS Greyback (SS208) in Indianapolis at the
Heslar Navel Armory, dad built this
As a kid I helped strip out the guts out of the torpedo and get it ready to paint and mount.
As of 2017 the Armory was converted to a High School and I am unsure what has
happened to the monument.
Large group of sailors, I see my father in this one, I assume is a "post
school" photo.
This is my father Richard.
Dad & friends.
His Mare Island liberty & mess card.
Big photo of a sub (Stickleback, or same class I think)
and a short AP article on the sinking of the Stickleback.
Sailor with dog and cat.
Captured Japanese subs.
Various with SS386 in the background.

Various pics and a shot of SS203 & SS341 at dock or tender.
